Work Phone: (870) 886-7717
Work Phone: (870) 886-7717
Livescan Finger-Printing is a service for School Districts provided by the NEA Education Cooperative.
Finger-Printing is available by appointment only.
Hours are Monday-Thursday, 9:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00. Please call Mary Horton at (870)886-7717 to schedule an appointment.
1. All fingerprinting fees ($38.25) must be paid prior to appointment online at Ark Website. You will need a verification code from your from your employer to start this process. You must bring a copy of the receipt with the transaction code to your appointment. This code will expire 14 days after payment is made – PLEASE MAKE APPOINTMENT PRIOR TO PAYING FEE.
2. Background Check Consent Form/Fingerprinting Request Form: Arkansas Educator Licensure System Website (click on link): Form MUST be completed online, printed, and brought to Fingerprinting appointment.
Complete LiveScan Fingerprinting (see above steps)
License renewal must be completed online and license paid ($75). Access Licensure forms on the ADE Webpage (Click Link)
Complete Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry Form. The cost is $10 that must be paid online.
If you have continuously taught in an Arkansas public school and completed the required yearly professional development for all of the previous five years, it should be reflected in the application after July 1 of the expiring year. Do not upload certificates for professional development. If your professional development is not reflected, you may upload this form signed by your administrator: Documentation of Professional Development Form